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Long Range Plans for Grade 3/4 and Grade 4/5
Category : Teacher ResourcesA Long Range Plan can be a very helpful tool for teachers. Having the curriculum expectations, units of focus, and timing laid out makes it easier to write unit and lesson plans throughout the year. This simple framework saves lots of time because you don’t have to think of what to do next. For example,…
MikeAll Interviewed on No Trikkin’
No Trikkin is a interview podcast show hosted by Jennie Oldschool. She recently had MikeAll on the program to talk about the intersection of Hip Hop and education. She was well-versed in the Hip Hop Headucatorz catalogue and referenced many of our songs and guest appearances. Listen to the show with the Soundcloud player below.…
Book Launch Event – Saturday
Category : EventsThis Saturday, one of our members is involved in a book launch event at the Centre for Social Innovation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can get a copy of Jennilee Austria-Bonifacio’s novel “Reuniting With Strangers” and even get it signed. There are also readings by Pluma, a group of Filipino writers including Shirley CamiaMotzie DapulJaisa…
Words Create Worlds (New Hip Hop Headucatorz Song)
How do Headucatorz spend their summer? They travel with words. Join us for the journey on “Words Create Worlds” Download or stream this track on our Bandcamp page for free. Or catch the video below. WIZEKRAK Let the beat drop like this when I, I grab that mic sonIf I see a scary dog coming…
Tigz’ Cartoon Club (Turning Students Into Superheroes)
Category : Press CoverageOne of our members was featured on City news. Videographer Audra Brown looks at how Tigz is using art in creative ways at his school. Kids are working on trading cards, graphic novels, stop motion animation, and more in his Cartoon Club. These multi-media creations are giving the kids the tools they need to express…
Re.Claiming Live Event This Friday
Category : EventsHip Hop Headucatorz will be performing at a special fundraising event this week. re.claiming aims to help survivors of abuse become thrivers, and create a beautiful life after leaving. Proceeds will go to Embrave: Agency to End Violence. This is their first event and we are proud to be part of it. The goal is…
We Can Teach Your Kids to Rap (London, ON. Rap Camp)
Category : Rap CampChase March is excited to be working with the Boys and Girls Club of London, Ontario once again for another edition of Rap Camp. In this program, students will learn how to rap from a local professional Hip Hop Artist and Music Teacher. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to break down a…
Raptor Roar!
Repping the hometown team and celebrating the 4th anniversary of the Toronto Raptor’s NBA Championship. It’s time to hear the Raptor Roar! MikeAll Raptor Roar out the ACCMaking plays for James Naismith’s teamIt’s a sonic treat when I. Khan lace the beatMy best gets fired like Dwayne CaseyThese MCs stampede hunt as a teamGuaranteed heat…
Our Hip Hop Teaching Resource is in Stores
Head of the Class by Hip Hop Headucatorz is now available as a physical release. This 80-page teacher resource book comes with a download of the deluxe version of the album. It includes instrumentals of all the songs so teachers and students can use it in the classroom. You can now find the book on…
Tigz In The Newspaper
Category : Press CoverageTigz was featured in an article of The Philippine Reporter last week. Read the story by clicking through the link above. Below, you will find images of the article as it appeared online April 28, 2023.