A Long Range Plan can be a very helpful tool for teachers. Having the curriculum expectations, units of focus, and timing laid out makes it easier to write unit and lesson plans throughout the year. This simple framework saves lots of time because you don’t have to think of what to do next. For example, after the math unit on probability, you know that a unit on geometry comes next. Now you just need to implement it and get the next unit prepared. It also helps you to make sure that you have enough time to cover all the areas of the curriculum.
We wanted to share a few examples with you here that you can use to build your own. It’s nice to find a plan online and tailor it to your needs. Back in the day, these plans were required by school boards and principals had to approve them. While that might not be the case anymore for a lot of jurisdictions, you might want to write one anyway.
Here is a plan that one of our members used last year for his Grade 4/5 split class. Download it as a document file or PDF.
Download 4/5 Long Range Plan as a .docx file.
This following long range plan is a bit older but I wanted to share it with you so you can use it as a framework. I always found it helpful to plan out my year’s worth of instruction on a week-by-week basis. For some teachers, this is overkill, but it always put me at ease. I was able to make sure that all elements of both curriculum documents were accounted for and this roadmap helped me every week with my unit and lesson planning. I used this years ago when I taught a Grade 3/4 split class.
Download 3/4 Long Range Plan as .doc file
Hopefully, you will find these plans useful in your classroom practice. If you use Hip Hop in your instruction or have any great resources you’d like to share, please reach out. We’d love to hear from you.
Yours in education,
Chase March