Hip Hop Headucatorz

Educators Practising Hip Hop In and Outside of the Classroom

Students Created Dollar Bills – An Expensive Art Project

One of my favourite art lessons asks students to create fictional currency. These fake dollar bills are colourful, creative, and a lot of fun. They also let students practice different shading techniques and elements of design.

This project comes after a several lessons that teach students to create fancy ribbons and effects. Students also get to practice a variety of ways to use shading to create depth.

Here is one worksheet from the art unit that leads up to this culminating task.

This entire unit is part of an 80-page teacher resource book that comes with our Head of the Class album and is available for purchase here.

This past week, a teacher shared with us some of the work that his class did with this activity.

These come from a Toronto school and we are very happy to see our lessons being used in the classroom.

Many of the slogans are great here!

If you try out this, or any activity from any of our resources, please let us know how it went. We might even share it here on our website.

Thank you!

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