Hip Hop Headucatorz

Educators Practising Hip Hop In and Outside of the Classroom

MikeAll Interviewed in Eloquent Magazine

MikeAll was interviewed in the latest edition of Eloquent Magazine. The article entitled “MikeAll Talks the US vs. Canadian Hip Hop Complex and the ‘Each One Teach One’ Philosophy” can be read online now.

Here is a small snippet . .

EM: As a hip hop educator, do you believe hip hop is still teachable, despite the “DIY” wave we’ve been experiencing since the inception of YouTube? Ex. younger rappers coming up without a real “come up” story (traditionally) or prior knowledge of elder MCs?

MA: Hip hop Culture will ALWAYS be teachable as “each one teach one” is a core bedrock principle. This idea is true for all elements as techniques or skills are passed from generation to generation to add on and build. Sometimes rap music is just used as a get rich, quick scheme or hustle. In that case, it might be teaching wealth generation to a select few and not benefiting the community as a whole.  

This interview goes in-depth. Click through to read the whole thing.

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