Hip Hop Headucatorz

Educators Practising Hip Hop In and Outside of the Classroom

Hip Hop Headucatorz

Hip Hop Headucatorz are more than just a rap group.

They embrace Hip Hop culture both in and out of the classroom. As professional educators, they know how it can reach and inspire students.

The crew is comprised of DJs, producers, emcees, breakers, and graffiti artists. Each member is an active teacher in primary and secondary education.

Hip Hop Headucatorz as pictured; Jon Corbin, Matt Dee, the apologette, Just Sev, MikeAll, I.Khan, Tigz, Wizekrak, A-Cubed, and Chase March.

Back in 2019, recording artist and teacher, MikeAll had the inspiring idea to create a rap song with some of his fellow educators to celebrate World Teacher’s Day.

They had no idea at the time that they had started a new movement and mission.

What does Headucatorz mean?

It is a portmanteau of two words.

Head – someone who lives and breathes Hip Hop culture

Educator – a person who provides instruction or teaches

It is popular to purposely misspell words in Hip Hop. We chose to use a “z” to make our name plural instead of the traditional “s”.

Teacher MikeAll uses hip hop culture to help students find voice – Catholic Register.

MikeAll on Global News (Using Hip Hop in the Classroom)

Jon Corbin on CityNews Kitchener

Hip Hop HeadUcatorz on The Chey and Pav Show

MikeAll Interviewed in Eloquent Magazine

The Make Studios Interview

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