Bandcamp is a great place to find music you like and support your favourite musicians. It is the most artist-friendly platform for a number of reasons. They decided to go above and beyond during the pandemic to help musicians continue to be able to make money at a time when touring wasn’t an option. They created Bandcamp Fridays and there is one this week.
Here’s some info all about it.
“On the first Friday of the month since March of 2020, we’ve waived our revenue share to help support the many artists who have seen their livelihoods disrupted by the pandemic. Over the course of 21 days, fans have paid artists and labels more than $78 million dollars, helping cover rents, mortgages, groceries, medications, and much more. If you’re among the nearly 800,000 fans who have participated, thank you.
The next Bandcamp Friday is September 2nd, and they will continue on October 7th, November 4th, and December 2nd. As always, has the details.
If you’ve started to feel guilty about buying music on any other day of the month, here’s something to keep in mind: on Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93% of your money reaches the artist/label (after payment processor fees). When you make a purchase on any other day (as millions of you have, with close to $1 billion now paid directly to artists), an average of 82% reaches the artist/label. Every day is a good day to support artists on Bandcamp”
We are having a flash sale this Bandcamp Friday and you can get our deluxe album with an 80-page teacher resource book for only $10.
It’s everything you need to bring Hip Hop music and culture into your classroom. And if you don’t teach, it’s a great album to play for yourself or your family. It even comes with all the instrumentals if you want to try writing or rapping your own lyrics to our beats.
You can immediately download the 80-page PDF document and the full album with a purchase here –
Or you can use the player below to check it out and then click through to the album page.
“Head of the Class” by Hip Hop HeadUcatorz is also available on your favourite streaming platform. If you listen to us on Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, or any of the other services, we appreciate you. However, supporting on Bandcamp really helps us out. It’s also the only way to currently get the teacher resource book. We will have hard copies of it next year as well.
Thanks for the support!